
It’s Wednesday and it’s a normal day of school awaiting Friday. Today after checking our math work we went to yoga. It took me a little while to turn it in with all the kids there and I skipped a couple people. I had to, or else I would have had to stay there for a really long time. I ran towards the baseball field. Luckily half way there my friend Anil started yelling at me “it’s not over there!!! Come!!! He yelled. “ok!!!” I yelled back. I ran over there and I asked him where we were going. “To the auditorium” he anwered. “oh” I said. Then we walked over there then when we passed the library we raced over there. I barely won. Then me and Bram saw who could take their shoe off faster. I lost because I was untying it and he just slipped it off.

We went inside the auditorium. Grabbed a card and found our mats. When she put a song she said that only 1 person recommended a song and then she said to tanner “I couldn’t find your song Tanner” so I think she totally ignored my song. It was a really awesome song. It was where them girls at. Did I not put it in the right place or was I missing something or she just didn’t like it. They played all these bad songs but only one was good. Seriously, who would choose these songs.

At the end of yoga we played this game where we have to figure out riddles and do that pose then they would grab a card and solve that riddle and we just keep going. The hardest one was the pose that you will find at the beach. There were tons of things: crab, dolphin, surfer, wave, and turtle. I chose wave and naturally I was correct. When it landed on mouse there was nothing so instead of going on we just did final resting pose. đŸ˜€

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